
What I Do

I help individuals, corporations, and organizations to navigate the journey to inclusion and cultural competence through the power of story. Each individual is a story; our society has a story; our organization has a story; our corporation has a story. Who do our stories include; who do they exclude? How can we create a new story that includes all of us in an equitable way? Our custom-designed workshops provide participants with awareness, skills and tools for utilizing sound diversity and intercultural theory, necessary to foster and sustain inclusion in any environment.

I Do It Through:

• Cultural Competence Coaching

• Custom-Designed Workshops for Companies and Organizations

• Dialogues

• Keynote Presentations

Passport to Inclusion Public Workshops

• Storytelling Presentations

• Train the Facilitator Workshops


I Do It By Specializing In:

Global Diversity and Inclusion

These in-depth workshop experiences will support organizations in their efforts to work and communicate effectively with an increasingly diverse population. The workshops are designed to expand the global/cultural competence, social justice knowledge and skills of the participants and deliver practical tools for immediate application in order to develop or deepen inclusion initiatives.

Topics include:

  • The Journey to Inclusion
  • Inclusive Leadership
  • Cross Cultural Competence
  • Intercultural Development Inventory
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Passport to Inclusion seminars
  • Executive Coaching

Storytelling and Authentic Dialogue

The greatest tool for cross-cultural understanding is the simple process of listening to and telling our stories. Researchers have discovered that the human brain has a natural affinity for narrative communication, so storytelling has the ability to connect individuals of great diversity with ease. Dialogue emphasizes listening to deepen understanding and invites discovery. Authentic Dialogue is a process of genuine interaction through which diverse participants listen to and engage each other deeply enough to be changed by what they’ve heard.

Topics include:

  • Storytelling for Social Justice
  • The Power of Story
  • Dialogue for Healing Racism
  • Authentic Dialogue

Multicultural Teambuilding

My custom-designed workshops guide participants through a discovery of self and culture, stimulating self-respect and respect of others while bringing about a greater understanding of difference and what role difference plays in daily communication.

Topics include:

  • Diversity Games and Simulations
  • Theatre of the Oppressed
  • Drama and Improv games
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KMS Intercultural Consulting - Kelli McLoud-Schingen
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KMS Intercultural Consulting - Kelli McLoud-Schingen